Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB


Silver Birch Class

 Spellings for Term 6.odtDownload
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Horton Kirby Trip - 26.06.2024

 Year 4 Summer Term.docxDownload
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SilverBirch Trip to Kent Life

Silver Birch visited Kent Life on Thursday 14th March 2024. We first met Florence Nightingale and learnt about her life and practised bandaging each other up.

We then looked around a farmhouse in that time and compared it with the houses of today and learnt how they kept the house warm with the fire and used lamps and candles for light. We also learnt about how they did their laundry and heated their water.

We saw many animals that are kept at Kent Life, sheep, pigs, goats and lots of different owls.

Later we experienced what it was like at school at that time by writing on a slate and how strict the teachers were.

We also took part in pretending to be shop keepers and purchasing different foods from the bakery, butchers, etc.

We completed the day by learning how to make rugs and having fun in the play area.

World Book Day 2024

Day 4 of Bore Place

Day 3 of Bore Place

Day 2 of Bore Place 

Day 1 of Bore Place

CLICK HERE to have a listen to three children doing our class proud while talking about what we have been getting up to recently on the school podcast! 

Spring Term Update

Hello and welcome back after what we hope has been a restful Christmas break!

This term we have two new authors that we will be looking at: Zanib Mian and Michael Rosen. Between them, they have wrote books about poetry, short stories and the book series that we will be studying - Planet Omar. Please feel free to have a look at some of the other work by these fantastic authors. 

In Geography we will be spending time looking at the features, formations, land mass, imports and exports of the Ivory Coast.

In History we will spend time looking at the life of children through history and their experiences of work, school, rules and lifestyles. 

There is a full update of our curriculum over the next term on the attchment below. Please feel free to download it, have a good read and ask us any questions you like.

Homework will continue to go out on a Friday and come back in on a Thursday. Please note that reading with an adult and Times Table Rockstars, both 3x a week, will feature as part of the homework. This will be something that is checked and encouraged through school life.  


 Spellings for Term 3.odtDownload
 Year 4 Term 2.docxDownload
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Space Week - WC 06.11.2023

During Space week we looked closely at the Solar System and wrote a postcard to our parents pretending we were holidaying on a planet of our choice. We enjoyed making Earth biscuits and using virtual reality headsets to travel around the planets.
We also made mobiles showing the planets and sun in the Solar System.

Our trip to The British Museum on 1st November 2023 

Silver Birch Halloween Costumes 

A massive well done to all those children getting onto TTRockstars and playing as much as you can. We still have a lot to do and many more children to join in though. 

Don't forget, you can play on the app or straight on the website. It is available on phones, tablets and laptops. "Garage" mode has been set up specifically for each of your children. It has individual times tables to allow each child a fair chance to succeed! 

I look forward to seeing your scores improve and watching us rise up the ranks as the top class.

Winter Term Update

   Welcome back to Year 4 and the start of Term 1. In English our 'Author of the Term', is Todd Stanton. We will be focusing on his Brownstone's Mythical Collection series. The stories are creative and fun so feel free to have a look in your own time.

   Following the White Rose curriculum for Maths; this term we will be covering Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Measurement and Multiplication and Division.  

   After half term we are planning an exciting trip to the British Museum. We will provide further details closer to the time. This is to go along with our studies of the Ancient Egyptians and their beliefs in History.

   In Geography we are studying the rainforest. We are looking at its location, the animals that use it as a habitat, the different layers and structures and the indigenous people who live there.

   Homework will come out every week on a Friday and will need to be in before the following Thursday. There will be a spelling test every Friday. The children will be given a paper copy of the spellings for half of the term and there will also be a digital copy available below.

   Any questions, please feel free to come and see Mrs Moss or Mr Fenton.

Thank you!

Click here for a link to the most recent podcast update that some of our pupils did. 

 Silver Birch Class.docxDownload
 Year 4 Term 1.docxDownload
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