Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB


Silver Birch Class

Term 6

 Term 5 has rocketed past us and now we are well into Term 6. This term we will be looking at Berlie Doherty and the way she tells a selection of famous Fairy Tales. Later on this term, we will be looking to organise a trip to Horton Kirby to have a look at the features of a river and discuss the wildlife there. 


As the weather gets hotter, please don't forget to apply suncream before you come to school, have a full water bottle for the day and a sun hat if you need. We will take breaks out of the sun when needed to minimise the amount of time in direct sunlight. Homework will still be going out every Friday and is due back in on a Thursday. A copy of the spellings has been provided below just in case a child's copy gets 'misplaced'.


Please feel free to come and see Mr Fenton or Mrs Moss if you have any questions about this term. Thank you!

Click here for our new podcast update!

Term 5 Update!

Welcome back to all Year 4 children. It is great to see you all back with smiling faces and ready to learn once again. This term we will be trying to take our learning outside of the the classroom as much as we can. Our Author of the term is Markus Motum. Have a look at his books Curiosity and Ducks Overboard - they fantastic!


Spellings will be put in a link below this post and an update to P.E. kit will also be below. Please feel free to see Mr Fenton or Mrs Moss if you have any problems. Thank you!

Dear Parent/Carer


P.E. Kit Reminder


Please be reminded about the school’s uniform policy for PE.


This year our P.E. will be every Wednesday afternoon.  Your child can wear their PE kit to school on the day that they have PE. They do not need to bring their uniform to change in to and may wear jogging bottoms over their PE shorts.


On those days children are expected to wear the following:


  • Plain white T-shirt or a plain T-shirt in the colour of the House that your child is in.
  • Plain navy blue/black shorts (in warmer weather)
  • Plain navy blue/black jogging bottoms (in colder weather)
  • Plain navy blue/black sweatshirt


All items are available from the school office.


  • Trainers must be worn for all PE lessons. This is a serious health and safety risk and can result in serious slips, trips and falls. Children will NOT be permitted to participate in P.E if they are not wearing the correct footwear.


If your child has pierced ears only small studs are permitted. However, on the days that your child has PE these must be removed by the adult prior to coming to school or by the child before the PE lesson. Staff are not permitted to assist your child in the removal of earrings, nor can they provide a covering – you may choose to do so at home. No other jewellery can be worn during the PE lesson.


If you are experiencing difficulty in providing PE kit for your child, please speak to me or contact the school office for some advice and support.

Bore Place - Day 4

Bore Place - Day 3

Bore Place - Day 2

Bore Place - A few quick pictures from the early part of our trip! Day 1

Term 4 Spellings 

Our podcast update this term with Brandon, Cheyenne and Abbiegal doing Year 4 proud!

A small selection of some persuasive adverts the children completed for their homework recently. Well done Silver Birch! Some videos to come soon of exciting persuasive speeches...

A small selection of the cookies that Silver Birch made recently. We even designed and made the boxes to store the cookies in. Watch out GREGGS! We have some aspiring bakers in Year 4.

January 2023

Happy New Year and

Welcome Back Silver Birch 

We hope you all had a restful break over Christmas. This term we will be starting our new topic of the Ancient Mayans. We will be learning about their location, discoveries, inventions and many more things. We are also going to be looking at Extreme Weather in our geography topic. Our new author of the term is Zanib Main. Her books have featured on BBC's CBeebies Bedtime Stories and The Guardian for their contribution to diversity in children's literature. She was a World Book Day author in 2021 and her work has been translated into multiple languages. Our story is about Omar.


We do have an exciting trip that is coming up in the future to Bore Place, feel free to have a look. More information will follow with all of the details but please be aware: this trip is not mandatory for all children and will reflect behaviour and choices in the school. 


Homework will be starting again on the 6th of January. Please look after your books and return them on, or before, the following Thursday each week. 


New spellings will start from Monday 9th January, (see below for digital copy), children will also receive a hard copy. You will notice there are more words on the list then previous terms; this is because we are teaching the words in class as well as expecting you to practice at home. If you or your child is unsure which group they are in please see Mr Fenton. 


Our timetable will be the same as the previous terms with P.E. inside this term on a Wednesday. Reading will still be timetabled in but please be aware, we expect all children to read to someone at home at least 3 times a week. You have to learn to read before you can read to learn.


Any other issues or questions please feel free to come and see us, thank you. Mr Fenton, Mrs Moss and Miss Hall.

A small selection of the exciting exhibits we got to see last week at the British Museum.

November 2022

On Wednesday, 16th November Silver Birch Class will be visiting The British Museum, in London as part of our history lessons on The ‘Ancient Egyptians’.  Children are looking at mummification, Pharaohs, Gods etc. and the visit to the Museum will give them the opportunity to get up close to original artefacts from the time.

The total cost of the trip is £10.00. Payment should be made using Horizons: 


Halloween has been and gone and we have had a range of beautiful, creative outfits - well done! This month we will be jumping straight back into our topic of Tomb Raiders and we will be diving deeper into Africa. Our new author of the term is K.N.Chimbiri who writes stories about Black history, for example The Story of the Windrush

There will be a new set of spellings given to the children in the first week back and a fresh homework sheet in their books. Please remember to try and read with your child at least three times a week and use TTRockstars as much as possible.

We have some exciting news this month it will be our turn for the school podcast. This means that some children will be selected to be interviewed on the podcast and talk about all of the things they have been doing in class. We also have some trip updates and information to come so watch this space!

Parents' Evening is 7th November


October 2022

Silver Birch have settled down well and made a good start back to the school year. A few notes from Mr Fenton and Mrs Moss following the start of the year:

  • Please could all children be heard read at least three times a week by someone at home. We have to learn to read before we can read to learn.
  • Homework goes out on a Friday and should be back in school on a Thursday - or before. 
  • We have some trips that are being planned for next term. As soon as anything is booked we will let you know and try and make it as cost effective as possible.

Further note: Unfortunately, Mrs Sayers will be leaving us this month but we have a new TA who will be working closely with the class, so watch this space for an introduction!

Welcome Back Year 4!

Welcome back Year 4. This year Mr Fenton, Mrs Moss and Mrs Sayers will be working together to support you on your journey through aspiration, adventure, knowledge and smiles to success. All three of us will work closely with you all to achieve your full academic potential. 

Our topic for this term will be the Egyptians. We will study where they lived, their lifestyle, their food and drink, buildings and structures and everything else that sparks an interest on our voyage of discovery. Our "Author of the Term" is Todd Stanton. He grew up in Brighton, went to the University of Bristol and has a very active Instagram and Twitter page for parents to look at. We will be studying the, "Brownstones Mythical Collection" series. For any further information on our curriculum coverage please feel free to come and see us at anytime or have a look at the timetable below.

We will also include a copy of the spellings for the term below for you to access at all times. P.E. is on every Wednesday; please come in dressed in full kit. While the weather is still good, we will be outside so a full tracksuit would be advisable. Clubs will start from next week and a list will come out soon. Homework will also start from next week and each week there will be a copy of it put onto this page. 

Thank you. 

 Spellings Term 1.docxDownload
 Timetable for Year 4.docxDownload
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