Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB


Keeping in Touch

Keeping in Touch

Contacting parents and carers

We use a variety of media platforms to keep in touch with our parents and carers.  For text messages and for making payments we currently use Horizons, but will be moving to Arbor in September.  Unfortunately, there is currently no App available for Horizons as this is still in the development mode, so the website can only be accessed using your safari/

From September 2024 we will be using Arbor for all payments, school lunches, clubs, trips, etc.  Payments are made using the Portal

Accounts will go live in September, you will not be able to make an account until then. If you are having issues creating an account and logging in, please pop into school and speak to Mrs Bull or Miss Judd in the office.

We also use social media to advertise our events and other news that may be of interest to you.  Have a look at our Facebook page and give us a "Like".  Please note that we do not check this page for messages and if you would like to contact us, please either email the school or give us a call.

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