Visions and Values
School Vision:
Lawn Primary School endeavours to provide a strong moral, kind, caring and unselfish grounding for the pupils to build upon in their lives. We believe that children should be valued for their individuality, culture and heritage and encouraged to develop their full potential in a stimulating, safe, caring environment. The school’s ethos statement – Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles – encapsulates the kind of school we continually aspire to be. We celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not frightened to make mistakes. We encourage children to take ownership of and responsibility for their learning, so they have the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, solve problems and respond to quality feedback. Children are praised for hard work, determination and having a positive attitude.
School Values
‘Children have the right to an education which develops their personality, talents’ (UNICEF)
Fostering a culture of responsibility teaches children to become independent and builds self-confidence. Children are encouraged to take on responsibility from day one, be that through looking after their property, joining the school council, becoming a playground leader or a Walk on Wednesday champion. We also teach children to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Through effective communication, children become aware of how they learn and behave to the best of their ability. They also develop an awareness of what they need to do next to make effective progress. Finally it is about collective responsibility and the vital role that we all play as part of the Lawn team!
Children at Lawn are taught to respect each other and themselves. They value individuality and respect equality and diversity. Through adults modelling respect, children learn to listen, communicate and behave in a way which contributes to the harmony of the school community and beyond.
Our Six Learning Values
Our learning values should be evident in all that we do at school. We draw focus to each individual value over the course of a half term. Children are taught about the constituent elements of each value and begin to understand the importance that we place in each. Assemblies are used to introduce and explore the values in greater depth. We also try to incorporate the value in other curriculum areas whenever possible. By emphasising the importance of these key tenets we aim to embed these values within our curriculum, our staff and our pupils.
Our learning values are:
Resilience – is the instinct, sense of balance and humour to deal positively with failure; to recognise that everyone stumbles but that successful people deal better with this; to use difficulties as learning experiences and opportunities for a new direction.
Collaboration – is the capacity to work productively with other people, to pool talents and build collective solutions; to know when to seek help from and when to support other people; to judge effectively when to speak up and when to compromise.
Persistence – is the determination to stick with it when situations are challenging and to recognise the importance of intellectual struggle; a willingness to seek alternative ways of doing things when one comes up against an obstacle.
Originality – is the inclination to visualise; to make connections; to be creative with one’s thoughts rather than to think within conventional boundaries; to think laterally to generate novel ideas and solve tricky problems.
Reflectiveness – an inclination to review, to ponder and to consider methods and approaches that have been tried; to analyse both successes and failures with a view to making the most of one’s potential.
Risk Taking – is the courage to take a chance rather than to choose the easy option; to try new challenges and push oneself to develop new skills, even when success may not be guaranteed